34e Forum Euro-IX
From 31 March to 2 April, the members of the TouIX and FranceIX will have the great pleasure of hosting the 34th Euro-IX Forum in Toulouse. The forum will welcome about 130 participants, mostly from the IX Europeans.
TouIX is small in size, but has been maintained since 2005 with the desire to sustained innovation and research to promote a cutting-edge approach. In May 2015, TouIX distinguished itself as the first European IX operational in SDN OpenFlow, with the TouSIX project (Toulouse SDN Internet eXchange).
France-IX is the Premier Internet Peering Service Provider in France, offering public and private interconnection services through its carrier and data centre neutral exchange points in Paris and Marseille.
The Euro-IX (European Internet Exchange Association) brings together about 80 IXs who have seen the need to share their resources in order to coordinate technical standards, develop common procedures, share and publish statistics and other useful information. This is to give everyone a better insight into the world of the IXs.